. . . And seen around your house in the form of decorations.
And I for one absolutely love decorating for Christmas. It's as if the magic of Christmas settles around your house once the stockings are hung, the tree gets decorated and everything else getting lovingly placed around your home. Because what is a house without "stockings hung by the chimney with care" or "the holly that will be on your own front door"? It's a house without decorations, a house without Christmas cheer, a house the Grinch and Scrooge would like. And that will never be our house.
This was the first Christmas spent in our new home, which meant I wanted to go Christmas decoration crazy and pull everything pretty off the shelves and run down the aisles screaming, "MINE MINE! That tree skirt is MINE!" I wanted to be the Crazy Christmas lady and have overflowing baskets and carts and bring all the Christmas goodies I fell in love with at every store home with me. But since I don't have an unlimited supply of money, and there was no Christmas miracle this year in the form of finding buried treasure or finding a tree that grew money, I couldn't be Crazy Christmas lady. But I could be her a little bit, just as a downgraded version.
Oh Christmas Tree! |
This reindeer could pull the sleigh if he
wanted to. I just know it. |
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care . . . |
This year I bought the pretty essentials, and for the next few years, little by little my Christmas decoration collection, as well as the Christmassy splendor of our house, will grow. But that also gives me something to look forward to. Each year I'll get to visit the stores with a fresh hope of finding the perfect front door wreath, or the perfect whatever to upgrade our Christmas mantel or whatever. Every year will be a little Christmas treasure hunt. And every year I'll be waiting anxiously for the calendar to change to December for the decorating to begin.
Pretty Tablescape. Finally used our wedding china! |
My favorite Christmas decoration. :) |
I know where Santa's sitting . . . |
Tonight there's a star in the sky . . . |
I am in love with ornaments. |
Christmas cards! |
Candles and SNOW! |
Christmas tree, oh christmas tree, lit up like a star . . .
(I love Christmas lights. One of my favorite sights in the entire world.) |
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! |
Everything about Christmas is just magical, and it only makes sense that it should start with your home . . . where the heart is.
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