Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Little Feet, Little Shoes, Little Steps

Reece was bought his first pair of shoes.

And for some reason he really hates to wear them.  Every single time I wrestle his baby feet into them, he does look very precious and big boyish, but not a moment later, when I see him crawling across the floor he's down a shoe. He always manages to rip off just one and looks like some orphan child dragging his one shoe and one socked foot behind him. And he refuses to finger walk in them as well. So much for helping him learn to walk. :) But I know in time he'll get used to them and won't want to go anywhere without a pair of baby shoes on his teeny feet. (Or it may be another pair he learns to walk in, since it may take awhile for him to get used to the idea of having shoes on his tiny feet if he keeps up with ripping one off.)

But no matter, one day he'll love them. And for now, I'll just let him explore the world with one shoe on.

Almost just like Mommy's shoes. And before we
know it, he'll be running along beside me. :)

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