Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Little Year

A Fresh Little Face to start this Fresh New Year!

A new year is a time filled with freshness, new starts, new beginnings and resolutions. And what are my New Year resolutions? Let's see:

1. Love Reece more each and every day.
2. Spend every waking moment making Reece feel like the most special, loved boy ever.
3. Try one's hardest to fill every second with smiles, giggles and love.
4. Make every moment into a memory.

Okay, now I feel like I'm cheating. Those resolutions are way too easy. Yes, just too easy peasy. I do them every day already with ease. Hmm . . . alright, I just came up with a new resolution for this post.

5. Find a favorite picture of our Little One for each month since Reece was born. (January through December)

And this resolution is extra perfect with Reece being born almost when the new year starts. This could be the beginning of a yearly resolution trend. I love my resolution already. Okay, let's begin . . .


Well, there's Reece's life month by month in pictures so far. But since I have close to six billion (maybe more) pictures of Reece and could have well chosen fifty favorite pictures for each month, here's some honorable mentions that I felt were too cute/precious/beautiful/ijustlovethem to leave out.

Honorable Mentions:

Favorite SMU Pic
Favorite Easter/Bunny Pic
Favorite Bookworm Pic
Favorite Peek-a-boo Pic
Favorite Laughing Pic
Favorite Bathtime Pic
Favorite Thanksgiving/Pumpkin Pic
Favorite Halloween Pic
Favorite Foliage Pic
Favorite Santa Claus Pic
Favorite "Doggone" Cute Pic (Get it??)
Favorite Christmas Pic

Well, there ya go New Year resolution. I fulfilled you. Until next year . . .

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