Friday, January 7, 2011

Letter for My Little One on his First Birthday

Dear My Precious Reece,

You're one years old. I never thought this day could come so quickly, never realized how fast my little baby would be growing up into such a special, amazing, perfect little boy. I wanted to write you on your special day to let you know how just one little year with you has changed my life so much. How these past twelve months has been better than any other twelve months and it's all because of having you in my life.

You are such a part of my heart, part of my being, part of my each and every moment, thought and day. I see your smile and hear you laugh always. I store every memory of you deep inside me, because I don't want to forget a single memory, a single tear, grin or breath. You are my everything and I have deeply enjoyed holding you tight in my arms this past year, watching you grow, achieve and become the perfect little boy that I will love and treasure for ever and ever. You can't imagine how much I love you today, nor can I grasp how much I will love you tomorrow and the next day, because my love never stops growing for you.

If I could slow down a few days I would, just to try to have some extra time to love you and show you how you are such a wonderful little boy. Have some extra hours to make you smile and laugh. Tickle away your tears and sadness. Some extra minutes to make up for nap time and the time we spend away from each other when you visit dreamland. But since that's not possible, I treasure each and every moment I have with you. I enjoy each speck of living we do together, cherish every little step towards me, every squeal of delight, every grasp of my hand, and know this is only the beginning. These first twelve months were absolutely perfect with us growing together, you into a special little you, me into a mother, but we will continue to grow together, because we have so much still ahead of us. I have been blessed to witness all your wonderful milestones,  smiling, laughing, rolling, crawling, teething, eating, walking, but there is so much to come. But loving has been my favorite milestone. Loving you and seeing you return the love by hugging me, knowing me, wanting to spend time with me, is just the best gift I have ever been given.

This letter is just part of my heart for you to have, even though you have my whole heart today and for the rest of your life. I will continue to do everything I can for you, to make sure each and every month of your life is even more perfect and special than that next. Each day is filled with love, togetherness, learning, growing and being. You are my little boy, growing so much, too quickly, but no matter how big you are, how old you get, you will always be my little one, my little baby I hold onto each morning as I lift your smiling face out of your crib, and rock to sleep every night.

I try not to look at this First Birthday of yours as twelve months behind us, but twelve months of unforgettable times showing us what has only just begun, what we have to look forward to, helping us know how easy time flies, and how even easier it is to cherish each and every moment we have together. I know in my heart you are a part of me and always will be. I love you more than words can say, even though I will always keep trying to express how much one little man can mean to his mother.

You are the best gift anyone could ever have been given. And every birthday when you receive all your presents, I will always be reminded of the best one I have ever received: You. And how each and every day you'll keep giving to me, giving your love, smiles, and memories.

If this past twelve months has taught me anything, it's that's my love for you keeps growing stronger, keeps growing sweeter, keeps growing more precious. And each day I enjoy loving you more and more. On your First Birthday, I want you to know that twelve little months ago you changed my life forever, and it's the best thing that could have ever happened to me, and I will go on trying to let you see how much you mean to me, over and over.

I love you my little boy. My Reece. My baby. My son.You are perfect my little one. Happy First Birthday.

I love you.

Your Mommy.

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