Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me?!?

When I think about what's happening today (a year older, a year wiser), I have to force myself not to gag. Or at least at first I did. When I really started thinking about it, and started to ponder about what really happened during this last year of my life, I began to realize that in fact my last year really had been filled with lots of love, joy, and happiness. Or in other words: Reece. Yes, it was the year of babies and becoming a mother. The year it all began. So this new year, this new turning of a page or turning over a new leaf or whatever way you wish to phrase it, I will look at it this way: This year is just another year of being with the ones I love and one more year of making memories to forever hold in my heart. I look at this year in the form of this adorable face of my little boy smiling up at me. And another whole year of those smiles.

And there's really no better birthday present than that! Bring on those 27 candles! :)

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