Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Crisp Fall Day - Perfect for Pictures

Every morning when I let Ella outside, I judge the weather with one thing in mind: is it perfect Reece and Me weather? Meaning, is it cool enough, sunny enough, beautiful enough to spread a blanket out in the backyard and either begin a photo shoot or bring a bag of toys to have a "Toy Picnic".  Reece loves the outdoors so much, so whether he's enjoying his "Good Morning" bottle while I sip my coffee, both of us snuggled together in blankets, or I chase him around trying to capture that perfect grin, the outdoors in where we both love to spend our mornings.

Today I chose to photo Reece with the perfect, blue skies and his new itty, bitty blue jeans. Many smiles were captured, and even though a stick and leave tug o'war with Ella ensued, followed by him learning that stair climbing is way more fun than smiling for Mommy, I still captured many beautiful photos of our little one.

Of course our silly Reecey had to start the shoot off with his little tongue. :)
Here's a big smile.

Ella, Reece's precious playmate.

Precious pals.
Pretty, blue eyes.
The only wrestling I thoroughly enjoy watching. 
Hahahaha! :)
Puppy love.

Doggie and Baby Tug O'War. :)
Our little mountain climber. :)

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