Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Capturing Memories, Capturing Moments, Capturing Us

As the sayings go . . . a picture can paint a thousand words, a smile can make a difference, a laugh is a smile that bursts . . . and a blog is all of that tied together with a pretty, shiny ribbon (Or maybe I said that last part).

Every day in the Weigand family too many memories are made, too many moments are made special and too many pictures are taken. And there just isn't enough time in the day to share everything with all our loved ones. So this blog will be like our little family Christmas letter that you get to read every single day. (Or whenever I get the time to write a new post.)

And with Reece growing bigger, more precious and more part of our lives every single moment, here it is made possible for you to take a little peek into our daily lives and watch him become the special little man that we love more than anything.

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