Saturday, November 27, 2010

Our Little Baby Vampire!

It's kinda scary how very belated I am with posting these Halloween pics. But no matter, cute baby pictures of Reece, whether dressed up as a vampire or not, are always velcome . . . eeer, welcome. :)

Check out his hand . . . he already got hold of a leaf. And it's been
about, umm . . . six seconds. :) He sure loves the foliage.

Happy Baby Vampire!

Playing with grass and twigs. Haha, what else would he be doing?
 Actually cooperating? Umm . . . not our little vampire. :) 

And he may as well have been a vampire flying around with his little vampire wings during this photo shoot, because he wouldn't keep still for one second. Or stay on his Halloween blanket.

Vampire squishy face. I just want to kiss those cheeks. :)

Watching the world go by.
Finally sitting still on the blanket. Good little vampire. :)

Spreading his wings . . .
The cutest vampire. Ever.
I love his little faces. I was actually yelling at the camera in
this moment. True story. So I think he was studying me,
wondering what his crazy mother was up to. Hahah.

But with these precious and maybe scary (spooky vampire?) pictures I still captured what I was aiming for, our precious child/vampire being all Happy Halloweeny. :)

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