Being November and all, a trip to a pumpkin patch is just inevitable. Especially when you have a wee one to place on pumpkins. Too bad when it comes to pumpkins, my baby doesn't have a face. Or . . . let me rephrase that. My baby doesn't have a face in pictures. Because like ferns, pumpkins are new, big, shiny orange balls that need to be studied.
My lovely idea of beautiful baby pumpkin patch pictures kinda went bust. As far as pictures go, I have pumpkins. Because they don't have to look at the camera and smile. And I have me smiling. Because I do what I'm told. And I have pretty blonde hair that belongs to my baby. But that's about it. But hair is nice.
I see a Reece face! But it's only because
he wasn't facing any pumpkins. :) |
Look at all those PUMPKINS!! |

I was letting him pull those leaves (some of them right off!) to his little heart's desire,
(I'm a bad parent, I know), but the good parent thought it wasn't a good idea, hah. |
A Pumpkin House in the Storybook Pumpkin Village! :) |
Reece looking at a house full of pumpkins and made
of pumpkins. This must have been his dream come true. |
I used to think I had a little knack for getting Reece to look at the camera. I was proud of myself for my "Mommy talent" and it's ability to yield smiles in the camera's direction. I would do whatever I had to do, whether it be clapping, dancing, whistling, just basically carrying on like some escaped wacko from an asylum. But it always worked. Until today that is. Today I just looked like a freak, and nothing to show for it. But there's always next year. Because as far as I know, and from looking at these pictures, they'll be plenty of pumpkins to go around next year. I mean, it's not like they're going extinct or anything. When it comes to extinct, the only thing missing and no where to be found was Reece's smile. Or him looking in any sort of upward direction. But that's okay. Tops of heads can be pretty too. Or at least I can pretend they are.
A rainbow of pumpkins. |
Town folk in the village. |

Looking down at, you guessed it: PUMPKINS! At least he looks
cute when he looks down. What can I say? Gotta stay positive. :) |
This was either Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty's
house. But I'm leaning towards Sleeping Beauty. |
LOOK UP AT THE CAMERA! This is where we pretty much gave up on
pumpkin patch baby pictures. Sigh. And I'll spare you all the rest of our tries.
Smiling in a Pumpkin Window! (The secret was he
was enjoying looking at Daddy.) |

Now as I go through and look once more (probably my eighty millionth time, I'm kinda obsessed with pictures of my baby, and taking them for that matter) at the pictures we took that day, I come to find Reece in fact did look at the camera actually more than once. Just not in the spots I wanted him to. Not when he was surrounded by pumpkins sitting on a bale of hay. Not when he was sitting on pumpkins. Crawling through pumpkins. Or sitting by me surrounded by pumpkins. But I guess that's just how life goes: You can't always get exactly what you want, so you just need to work with what you have. So I'll now just enjoy the many pictures I have when we weren't surrounded by pumpkins, because as it turns out, when you take the baby out of the pumpkin patch, his face will finally grace you with its presence. So we have flower baby pictures, nature baby pictures, water baby pictures, or you can just see for yourself. The rest of the day concluded with actual Reece face pictures that I'm quite happy with. And yes, manymany of them. I really did try to only pick a few, but you should know, what's below is a few. I did though say I had a problem with taking way too many. :)
Pretty gardens. |
You want to pick some flowers Reece? Sure, go right ahead! :) |
The Three Weigands. :) |
Grabbing at leaves! :) Maybe I should give Reece a
rake, and see what happens. |
Secret Garden. |
Our precious bear. |
Daddy hugs. |
Yaaay for waterfalls! Yippee! :) |
Reece just loves water, haha. And if he was able
I know he would have dove right in. |
If I was granted three wishes, one would be to never have blurry pictures again.
I despise blurriness. And I despise ones that takes blurry pictures. Oops. |
Father and Son at a lilly pond. :) |
While I still wonder if I had acted more like a psychopath while trying to get Reece to look up at me and the camera, if I would have gotten the pictures I wanted, I'll never really know if that would have worked. All I do know is that while not looking at me, Reece was thoroughly enjoying himself. And in the back of my mind I have a little picture of next year at the pumpkin patch with an almost two year old Reece sitting quietly, politely doing what he's told as he sits on the bale of hale surrounded by pumpkins smiling sweetly at the camera for Mommy and Daddy, I wonder if a part of me will miss my little baby's love for staring at pumpkins and refusing to look at me. Whether or not I do, and whether or not in years to come I finally have perfect pumpkin patch pictures in frames, all I do know for sure, is Reece sure keeps life interesting. And I wouldn't change one bit of that!
Reece waves BYE to you! :) |
this is so cute! i love the last paragraph. you are such a loving mommy :)