Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"It's a Gymboree Day!"

Every Saturday morning I know it's going to be a good day. And Reece does as soon as he awakes and I tell him, "Gymboree is today!" He gets instantly excited. And instant happiness fills the air. Gymboree really is a toddler's dream. There are babies to play with (and steal balls from hah), parachutes to take rides on and go under, bubbles to pop, tunnels to crawl through, toys to climb on (and not share) and just pure fun everywhere!

Tunnel Lovin'

I just love spending time there with my Little One. And when I'm there I also love to look around at the other parents and think only here at Gymboree would grown men be half hanging out of a tunnels laughing with their little one, and ladies rolling on the ground as they sing nursery rhymes. It's a place where you get to turn into a kid yourself. Being a kid with your kid, it doesn't get much better than that. And that's why my favorite day, just like Reece, is Saturday.

I hope everyone has a Saturday in their life, just like ours. :)

The Little One and me on a Gymboree Saturday!
Gymboree Smiles.
Happily walking across a bridge. With a big, beaming smile.
Love my Little One.
We have so many silly moments at
Gymboree. And here's a silly face. :)
Riding in a parachute hammock. He did not
want to get off of it. Even once it has stopped!
So excited!


And what I reallyreally hope is that everyone has their own Gymboree day one day. :)

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