Friday, March 18, 2011

Daddy Snuggles

There's nothing more cozy than snuggling in your Daddy's arms. No place more safe, more warm, more perfect. And the same goes with Daddy's Love. Nothing makes you feel more safe, cozy and complete. Reece is lucky enough to have each day filled with Daddy Love and Daddy Hugs and Daddy Snuggles. I'd like to think he is the luckiest Little One alive. But I also think his Daddy is pretty lucky to have such a beautiful and wonderful and amazing and just perfect little one to love and to hold.

Daddy Hugs.
The safest place in the world.
My sweet, precious baby.

And I'd like to add, the only time I have such a calm and still baby is when he is in his Daddy's arms. The only reason I was able to capture these precious, sweet pictures is because of how happy Reece is when he spends time with his Daddy. And also because of his Daddy's Love. :)

Daddy Love. Plain and Simple. And there's
nothing I love more that these two guys. :)

 Any day filled with Daddy snuggles can't be topped.

Life in a Snow Globe

There's sNOw day, like a snow day. And no day like spending moments out in the powdery snow with your Little One.

Just so you know, I am in love with snow. Really, I am. And these past two years we've been extremely lucky with getting a fair amount of snow, like way more than a fair amount for Texas standards. It would start falling, and then just keep falling and fallllllling and never ever stop. Well, not for awhile. These past years we've been able to watch Dallas turn into a Magical Wintery Wonderland. Something I never really thought I'd see, but what I thoroughly, majorly enjoyed.

What I reallyreally love is how the snow makes everything beautiful, and I love all the memories from being trapped inside of our very own Dallas Snow Globe. I love gazing around in amazement at houses blanketed in pretty, fluffy snow, snow capped trees, puppies eating snow cones fresh from the ground haha and babies staring at snowflakes. There's nothing quite like a snow day.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. In Texas?

And while walking in the white swirling land of snow, everything just seems unreal, like I'm living in some snowy fairytale. And for a few days, it's actually more like a fairytale than real life. The world stops when it snows hard in Texas. Schools are closed, businesses are closed, roads are closed and I'm outside in the middle of the street taking millions of pictures. But I love Texas snow days. It's as if the snow knows how everyone spends their every day running around, being in a constant daily rush, and it's the skies way of telling us we need to slow it down for a bit. Letting us know we need to take it easy and look around at the beautiful world we live in. The snow covered world we're lucky enough to enjoy for a few precious days allows us to be solely with our family and friends (I mean, we are trapped in our houses for days hahaa) and just enjoy simple things. Like sleeping in, sipping marshmallow-y hot chocolate, watching movies cuddled together on the couch and never really getting out of our pj's. Well, until we venture outdoors. And lastly, we get to enjoy a picturesque view every time we look out the window. Simply put, we got to live life in a snow globe. And a snow globe life is a life I really love living. Even if it's only once a year. Well, if we're lucky enough.

Our Little One all bundled up and ready
to venture out into the winter snow!
Pom Prints.
Icicles galore.
Our Winter Wonderland.
Snow piles.
Baby Snow staring.
Reece absolutey loved the snow. He dug a little hole with his mittens (and
had to put on a new pair) and he was just all smiles as he walked and played in it.

Snowflakes falllling, mitten chewing, faces smiling, snow day fun!
Baby, it's cold outside . . .
Me and my Snow Baby.
We just LOVE snow days.

And all our snow memories will stay warm and cozy inside us, until next time snow decides to visit Texas.